Jacoti Lola Hub

Ensino Utilitários Utilitários Ensino
Developer: Jacoti bvba

Install Jacoti Lola Hub on your computer to create Lola sessions on your network!. Jacoti Lola Hub acts like an audio communication gateway between iOS devices running Jacoti Lola.

By downloading Jacoti Lola™ Hub you agree with the Jacoti privacy policy and the end-user license.

If you have problems understanding the speaker in a room, Jacoti Lola™ is the solution!
Have you already noticed that sometimes in meetings, you thought you hear well, but the echo, reverb and noise in the room make it harder to understand what is being said? Jacoti Lola™ offers to send the voice of the speaker directly to your ear, digitally and wirelessly, taking away surrounding noise and sending CD-quality audio to the listener. Simply install the app in your IOS device and scan the availability of an in-room Lola broadcast.
Jacoti Lola™ requires of the Jacoti Lola Hub™, which is a small application that runs on a Mac computer and broadcasts the speakers voice and/or the computer’s system audio to all the connected listeners and this with very little delay. This allows for a full multimedia experience with enhanced audio during presentations or video projections.
The Jacoti Lola™ application plays the received audio with a non-perceivable delay on your device connected to earphones or hearing aids. This audio signal has also been processed in order to improve its quality. Jacoti Lola™ seamlessly connect with Made for Iphone® hearing aid technology.
Additionally, Jacoti Lola™ allows the user to broadcast his/her own voice to the other participants.
This makes it especially suitable for the following situations:
Auditoriums, classrooms, meeting rooms etc. where the bad acoustics and the noise made by the participants make it hard for others to understand the speaker properly.